Gun Range Owner to NJ Officials: You Can Pass Magazine Ban but 'I Will Not Comply'

Gun Range Owner to NJ Officials: You Can Pass Magazine Ban but 'I Will Not Comply'

While testifying before New Jersey lawmakers against a proposed ban on magazines larger than 10 rounds, gun range owner Anthony P. Colandro said, “I will not comply.”

Besides owning the Woodland Park Range in Woodland Park, NJ, Colandro owns a firearm training facility and is co-host of Gun For Hire radio.

According to, Colandro said a ban on magazines larger than 10 rounds would impact law-abiding citizens–rather than criminals–because it would turn “one million law-abiding, tax-paying citizens into criminals” if signed into law. 

He then called lawmakers’ attention to Connecticut, and said, “One million gun owners in New Jersey are also going to say, like our brothers and sisters in the north, that ‘we will not comply.’ And I can tell you here and now, ‘I will not comply.'”

He added: “You can write these laws against us tax-paying, law-abiding citizens, but we’re not going to follow them.”

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