Democrats Ask Mike Bloomberg to Back Off Gun Control Push

Democrats Ask Mike Bloomberg to Back Off Gun Control Push

As Michael Bloomberg moves beyond his push for expanded background checks to actually targeting Senators who did not support more gun control in 2013, Democrats are asking him to back off. 

They politically cannot afford to have him focus attention on the failed, Democrat-led push for gun control. 

According to, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) do not want Senators like Mark Pryor (D-AR) “targeted” for opposing gun control. MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell noted that Bloomberg is viewed as a single-issue activist “focused on guns at the risk of jeopardizing the Senate for Democrats.”

So far, Bloomberg has rejected Reid and Schumer’s requests that he “temper” his anti-gun campaign, and has rejected requests from Bill Clinton as well. 

At the same time, the Democratic Super PAC – “to which Bloomberg donated millions” – has already “gone up with ads in support of” Democratic Senators who voted against gun control. 

Therefore, Bloomberg is fighting for gun control while Democrats are using his money to defend Senators who opposed it.

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