Bobby Jindal: Glad A&E Chose Religious Tolerance over Political Correctness

Bobby Jindal: Glad A&E Chose Religious Tolerance over Political Correctness

After A&E, which is owned by Disney, reinstated Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson Friday after it had suspended him for supposedly anti-gay remarks, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R), who was one of the first elected officials to come to Robertson’s defense, said it was “a good day for the freedoms of speech and religious liberty.”

“The left may control Hollywood, but they don’t control the hearts and minds of a majority of Americans,” Jindal wrote. “The left is not the only group who is permitted to voice its opinion in the public square.”

Jindal said the “left is going to have to get accustomed to the fact that it does not have a monopoly on free speech.”

“I’m glad to hear that A&E came to its senses & recognized that tolerance of religious views is more important than political correctness,” Jindal tweeted.


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