CBO: 11,000 Late-Term Abortions Every Year

CBO: 11,000 Late-Term Abortions Every Year

House bill H.R. 1797, the “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act,” which has passed in the House and will be introduced by Florida Senator Marco in the Democrat-controlled Senate, has been reviewed by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). It revealed that roughly 11,000 American babies are aborted every year after their 20th week in the womb. 

The CBO is required to do a cost estimate for every bill submitted in Congress.

The CBO also estimated that there are a possible 2,750 babies every year who would be saved from abortion by the bill. Opponents of the bill have asserted that the number of babies affected by the banning of late-term abortion would be small.

Examining the situation in Texas, where pro-life and pro-abortion supporters are fighting over a bill that would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, CNSNews.com Editor-in-Chief Terrence P. Jeffrey used data from CDC’s Abortion Surveillance report for 2009 to estimate that Texas averages 1.27 abortions per day of pregnancies in the 21st week or later.

The CBO’s perspective is not far from Barack Obama’s pro-abortion views; it admits that H.R. 1797 would save 7.5 children every day but still insists, “Information from the CDC and other industry experts indicates that only a relatively small number of abortions would be prohibited.” The CBO also complains that the children whose lives would be saved would cause Medicaid spending, which pays for 40 percent of all births, to “rise by $225 million over the 2014-2023 period.” It also says that costs could rise $75 million to $400 million over a 10-year period.

The CBO also asserts that late-term abortionists would be adversely affected, stating, “The costs of [the law’s new pro-life] mandates would be the net income forgone by public and private physicians and clinics.”

Jeffrey responded, “The CBO did not estimate how much wealth and job-creating power U.S. society has lost and will lose in the future because 11,000 late-term unborn babies per year are killed by abortionists and not allowed to live out their lives.”

Barack Obama has promised to veto the bill in the unlikely event the Democrat-controlled Senate passes it. He said that banning late-term abortions “shows contempt for women’s health and rights, the role doctors play in their patients’ health care decisions, and the Constitution.”


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