Atheists Want Their Own Military Chaplains

Atheists Want Their Own Military Chaplains

For weeks now Breitbart News has reported on religious liberty in the military, both the freedom of service members to share their faith and also the plight of military chaplains being censored on what they can say in religious counseling.

Now atheists are demanding their own chaplains. 

Rep. Robert Andrews (D-NJ) will be introducing an amendment in Congress to create atheist chaplains in the Armed Forces. The duties of a chaplain are to offer (1) prayer, (2) spiritual counseling, and (3) religious instruction. 

No one has yet offered an explanation of how an atheist chaplain is anything other than an oxymoron, since by definition an atheist (1) believes there is no divine being to hear prayer, (2) has no spirituality, and (3) no religious beliefs.

Breitbart News legal columnist Ken Klukowski is senior fellow for religious liberty at the Family Research Council.  


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