Top Democrats Call for More IRS Resignations

Top Democrats Call for More IRS Resignations

Two top Democrats on the powerful House Ways and Means Committee are calling for the resignation or firing of Lois Lerner, the head of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) division responsible for tax-exempt organizations.

Reps. Joe Crowley (D-NY) and Sander Levin (D-MI) say Lerner, who planted a question at a conference to break news of the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups, must step down. 

“Ms. Lerner should be relieved of her duties,” said Levin.

Crowley says Lerner “failed to answer the question” as to whether the IRS was targeting tax-exempt groups during a congressional hearing. “She then two days later planted a question at a press event, only to then use that opportunity to apologize for what the IRS had been doing,” said Crowley. “If you’re Miss Lerner, you’re worried about your career right now.”

Crowley, who called Lerner’s actions “unacceptable,” joined Levin in calling for her resignation or firing.

Lois Lerner is scheduled to testify before Congress on Wednesday.


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