WH Spox Carney Shocked to Learn DOJ Investigated AP Phone Records

WH Spox Carney Shocked to Learn DOJ Investigated AP Phone Records

On Monday night, after reports surfaced that the Justice Department–and, more specifically, Attorney General Eric Holder–approved subpoenas to obtain the phone records of reporters from the Associated Press, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said the White House was shocked to learn of these revelations.  

Carney said, “Other than press reports, we have no knowledge of any attempt by the Justice Department to seek phone records” of the Associated Press. 

The White House seems to get much of the most important news about the inner workings of the Obama administration from the press that covers them. 

Earlier in the day, President Barack Obama said the first time he heard about the IRS’s targeting of conservative and Tea Party groups, which has reportedly gone on since 2010, was from news reports last Friday.


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