Americans for Prosperity, this afternoon, released its legislative scorecard for the 112th Congress. AFP is one of the premier grass roots organizations promoting limited government and individual freedom. Scorecards like this provide activists a quick-guide to which politicians back up their rhetoric with action. Eighteen members of the House received a 100% rating. Sen. Marco Rubio was the only Senator to receive a 100% rating.
AFP’s Scorecard includes votes on such issues as the repeal of President Obama’s new health care law, preempting EPA’s purported authority to regulate greenhouse gases, supporting Chairman Paul Ryan’s budget, ending ethanol subsidies, several Congressional Review Act resolutions to overturn new regulations, and the fiscal year 2012 appropriations bills.
AFP will use its scorecard to guide its grass-roots’ activism and outreach. Hopefully, however, the scorecard will be used beyond that. With it, every interested voter and activist can see how their elected representative is voting in Washington. Politicians respond to market signals. Congratulate them when they do the right thing. Just as importantly, let them know when they stray.
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