A new poll released today by Quinnipiac University bears ominous news for Republicans in Congress. For the first time, a majority of Republicans, 51%, disapprove of the job the GOP is doing in Congress. Just 41% of Republicans approve of the job the GOP is doing. When a party loses touch with its base voters, it can usually expect a beating at the ballot box.
Congressional GOP standing among Republican voters has eroded dramatically from the last Quinnipiac poll in early December. At that time, 47% of Republicans approved of the GOP Congress, while 43% disapproved. Today’s poll shows a 14-point swing away from the GOP among Republican voters.
In between the two polls was a GOP-brokered deal to avoid the “fiscal cliff” by letting taxes go up on high-income earners. That deal didn’t secure any spending cuts. The GOP has also pushed a short-term bump in the debt ceiling, again without any spending cuts. The GOP in Congress has also tried to strike a more conciliatory tone on a range of issues.
The DC GOP’s tactical moves are clearly not popular with their voting base.
The poll also contains bad news for President Obama. Today, just 46% of voters approve of his job performance, while 45% disapprove. In December, 53% approved of his job performance and just 40% disapproved. That is an equally dramatic erosion in support.
One thing is clear from today’s poll. Voters are in a surly mood. Incumbents have been warned.
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