While the mainstream English-speaking media remain asleep at the switch in the Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) prostitution scandal, Univision took the opportunity to grill Menendez over reports about the scandal. Reporter Lourdes Meluza asked Menendez about his “position regarding the accusations made by The Daily Caller and others that say that you went to the Dominican Republic and attended parties at Casa de Campo where prostitutes were present, minors, even. Could you reiterate your position and respond to this please?”
Menendez’s answer was a repeat of his “vast right wing conspiracy” nonsense:
This is the last time I’ll do this, the last time I do it. Because it’s gotten to a level where the press, the legitimate press, not the leftist or the right wing press, from the left, from the right or the left, where anonymous faceless and nameless people can make an accusation and the press will ask you this question. I could say something about you and say, “Hey, they’re saying this or that anonymously.” Those are lies intended to slander me, and they’re completely… not only absurd, but completely false.
The reporters on the Menendez story are far from anonymous. Matthew Boyle, now of Breitbart News, has been consistently reporting on this story for months. It remains to be seen whether Menendez’s adamant denial remains adamant as this story unfolds.
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