'Idle No More' Activist Busted for Molotov Threat at Wisconsin Capitol

'Idle No More' Activist Busted for Molotov Threat at Wisconsin Capitol

A Wisconsin activist was arrested Tuesday at the state Capitol buildingjust hours before Governor Scott Walker was to deliver his State of theState Address to Wisconsin lawmakers.

The man, Kvon R. Smith, had reportedlyused Facebook to threaten to do harm at the Capitol. Lawenforcement was ready for him and arrested him as he attempted to enterthe building. Smith then reportedlyclaimed to have a Molotov cocktail in his backpack. Police evacuatedportions of the capitol building and a bomb squad reportedly arrived andhandled the backpack. Police did not say whether or not the backpackcontained the explosive device the man allegedly claimed it did.

A search of the man’s apparent Twitter accountreveals deep sympathies for Palestinians, support for other liberal andfar-left causes, and claims of previous felony charges. Smith has alsoexpressed support for the newest leftist movement, which previous Occupysupporters are beginning to flock to, named “Idle No More.” Less than 24hours before being arrested, Smith stated on Facebook: “I’m in support of the Idle No More Movement.”

Two hours after writing his support for the new activist movement,Smith posted this video on what authorities verify is his Facebook showing the bottles he claims to have intended totake to the Wisconsin Capitol building.



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