Artur Davis: Democrats 'Panicked' by Early Voting Numbers

Artur Davis: Democrats 'Panicked' by Early Voting Numbers

Artur Davis: Democrats 'Panicked' by Early Voting Numbers

Artur Davis commented Wednesday that Democrats are “panicked” over early voting numbers for next week’s election.

The former Alabama Congressman and Democrat-turned-Republican explained that the depressed early voting numbers for Democrats are very important because Democrats typically “put a lot of stock in early voting.”

Speaking on Fox Business Channel’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight”, Davis described Democrats as “panicked” because in 2008, “they ran up a huge margin over John McCain because of early voting.”

Davis said, “One of the reasons why Democrats are trying to furiously spin every possible tea leaf and discredit every national poll is because they’re looking at hard data from the early vote numbers, and, in almost every state, they’re way behind their early vote numbers…”


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