Former Biden Aide: Obama 'Financially Illiterate'

Former Biden Aide: Obama 'Financially Illiterate'

Don’t bother saying it ain’t so, Joe.

According to a former staffer for Joe Biden, the Vice President is selfish, disloyal and concerned about his own manhood. Jeff Connaughton, the author of “The Payoff,” a book that came out in September which indicts Democrats for being controlled by the big banks, tells anecdotes about Biden that reveal Biden to be less of a good guy than he portrays himself, and calls both Biden and Obama “financially illiterate.”

Story #1. After Biden gaffed during the 2008 campaign and said Obama would be tested as president, Obama waited until a few days after the election to chide him. Biden met with Connaughton and some other advisors:

“Biden told us that Obama had called him and told him sharply that he didn’t need public tutoring: ‘I don’t need you acting like you’re my Henry Higgins.’ Biden said his private reaction was, ‘Whoa. Where did this come from? This is clearly a guy who could restrict my role to attending state funerals or just put me in a closet for four years. I’m going to have to earn his trust, but I’m not going to grovel to this guy. My manhood is not negotiable.'”

Keep shouting that, Joe.

Story #2.  Connaughton says he raised money for Biden, but never even got a thank you note until he hinted that it might be nice.

Story #3. In the lead-up to Biden’s failed run for a 2008 presidency, Connaughton recalled:

“Later in the campaign, a twenty-three-year-old fundraising staffer got into a car with Biden with a list of names and phone numbers: ‘Okay, Senator, time to do some fundraising calls.” Biden looked at him and said, ‘Get the f**k out of the car.'”

Story #4. Connaughton calls Biden and Obama “financially illiterate.”

Story #5. After working for Biden as a junior aide in 1988, Connaughton went to law school. He later wanted to work in the White House, but when he asked Biden’s chief of staff if Biden could call Abner Mikva, Bill Clinton’s White House Counsel, Biden refused. The chief of staff told Connaughton, “Jeff, don’t take this personally. Biden disappoints everyone. He’s an equal-opportunity disappointer.”

Connaughton summed up Biden this way: “His ambitions, I was coming to understand, were mainly about himself.”

After Connaughton finaslly got out of politics and moved to Georgia, he spoke to his father about Biden.  His father said, “I can’t believe after all those years of blood and sweat for Biden he never even gave you a crumb.”

All about himself and no room for anyone else. If you watched Biden’s debate with Paul Ryan, Connaughton’s account sounds pretty accurate.


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