Ryan: Holder Must Go

Ryan: Holder Must Go

Vice President nominee Paul Ryan said today he agrees with GOP President nominee Mitt Romney: Attorney General Eric Holder should resign.

“The congressman agrees with the governor,” said Ryan spokesman Brendan Buck. 

“Either Mr. Holder himself should resign, or the president should askfor his resignation or remove him,” said Romney in December 2011. “It’sunacceptable for him to continue in that position now given the factthat he has misled Congress and entirely botched the investigation ofthe Fast and Furious program.”

Representative Ryan is the 131st GOP member to call for Mr. Holder’s resignation.

Fast and Furious was a government gunwalking operation that put thousands of guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. These guns are linked to the deaths of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and hundreds of Mexican citizens. In July the House voted to hold Mr. Holder in contempt of Congress for not complying with an October 8, 2011 subpoena. 

Tonight at 7PM ET Univision will air a special on Fast & Furious.


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