Dem Convention Chairman Admits Obama Economy Broken

Dem Convention Chairman Admits Obama Economy Broken

Appearing on CNN Newsroom Monday afternoon, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who is also the chairman of the upcoming Democratic National Convention, unwittingly confirmed exactly why his boss in the White House is going to lose in November.

When asked by CNN’s anchor Brooke Baldwin whether Democrats feel threatened right now, as Obama is behind in North Carolina, Obama himself is out on the campaign trail, and Michelle Obama is frequenting late-night talk shows in a week traditionally reserved for the opposing party, Villaraigosa replied:

Really, what a campaign is … it sets the framework for the cam – I’m sorry … what the convention is, it sets the framework for the campaign, and it really … when people are actually watching … most of us, except for you and I (sic) aren’t really watching what’s going on … most of America’s working, trying to put food on their table …

So Villaraigosa, whose job it is to drum up support for the Anointed One, freely admits that the conventions, which air in prime time, won’t be seen because people are working overtime in order to feed their families.

Even the head of the DNC is acknowledging that Americans are working longer and harder to make ends meet.  Whose fault would that be?


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