Congressman on Media's Rush to Blame Aurora Tragedy on Tea Party: 'Destructive to the Country'

Congressman on Media's Rush to Blame Aurora Tragedy on Tea Party: 'Destructive to the Country'

Asmany of you are probably well aware of by now, “investigative correspondent” BrianRoss appeared on ABC’s “Good Morning America” hours after the Colorado shootingtragedy and tied the gunman to a man with the same name who appeared on theColorado Tea Party Patriots website.

Ofcourse, Ross’ rush to judgment with zero facts and all speculation turned outto be incorrect. He later came back on air and admitted he was wrong and thatit was, in fact, not the same person.

Wecaught up with Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) at the Smart Girl Summit held inAlexandria, Va. and asked him why he believes the mainstream media is quick toalways blame tragedies on the Tea Party. Price says the media is destructive toboth political discussion and the country.

“The media especially on the left tries to take advantage of everysingle activity, positive or negative. And it’s destructive. It’sdestructive to the discussion we have from a political standpoint. It’sdestructive to the body politic. It’s destructive to the country. Themotives for those individuals escapes me, but I do know the Americanpeople are smarter than that. They understand that people like theperson who was responsible for this are deranged, and it has nothing todo with their politics,” Price said.


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