House Reps Sponsor Amendment Cutting Funding to DOJ Over Fast & Furious

House Reps Sponsor Amendment Cutting Funding to DOJ Over Fast & Furious

South Carolina Representative Trey Gowdy has sponsored an amendment to H.R. 5326, which cuts $1,000,000 from the Justice Department’s General Administration fund. It passed in the House by a voice vote because of the DOJ’s constant stonewalling about Operation Fast & Furious.

Rep. Gowdy, along with Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), has been very determined to find answers about Fast & Furious and achieve justice for slain Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and the hundreds of Mexicans who have been murdered by people using guns from Fast & Furious.

During his talk on the floor, Gowdy said, “Congress has been patient – indeed too patient in my judgment – with the Department of Justice and its failure to comply with the lawful request for the production of documents.”

He also mentioned that if any American citizen ignored subpoenas the way the DOJ has they “would be sanctioned, find, and probably jailed.”

Attorney General Eric Holder & the DOJ were subpoenaed on October 12, 2011. They’ve had over 7 months to hand over all documents pertaining to Fast & Furious. They’ve only given Congress 6,959 pages, far less than the number they are suspected to possess.


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