'Abortion Bowl-a-Thon' Raises $400,000 to Fund Abortions

'Abortion Bowl-a-Thon' Raises $400,000 to Fund Abortions

First, we had Planned Parenthood’s 40 Days of Prayer for Abortion, and now we have The National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF) third annual National Abortion Access “Bowl-a-Thon.” NNAF, which calls itself a “reproductive justice organization,” says it is an affiliation of more than 100 grassroots abortion funds. NNAF is sponsoring the “Bowl-a-Thon,” a series of 32 fundraising events held across the country and online during the last two weeks of April. Designed to raise money to fund yet more abortions, the organization boasts that it has already raised over $400,000. Another event, a miniature golf-a-thon, hopes to raise $40,000 for abortions in Washington D.C.

If you choose to bowl instead of golf to support abortion, you can opt to be on one of many teams with names like, Bowlin’ for ‘Bortions, Kiss Our Uter-Ass, If Only Limbaugh’s Mom Used Birth Control, No Rosaries On My Ovaries, and teams that contain names for women’s private parts that only Bill Maher feels comfortable saying. Did we hear a certain incumbent president talk about civility once?

Part of the “fun” as you are bowling to fund aborting babies is that you get to dress up like, and make fun of, nuns and priests, as in this photo here.

But, if you are more of the “serious” type abortion fan, you can participate by contributing to the George Tiller Memorial Abortion Fund, which provides funding for women seeking “later abortion care.” George Tiller appears to be held up as a patron saint, if that term is permitted, at NNAF, which offers this statement of Dr. Tiller’s on its website as inspiration: “Abortion is about women’s hopes and dreams. Abortion is a matter of survival for women.”

NNAF receives funding from more than several tax-exempt foundations, among them the Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation, which has funded ACORN, and the Tides Foundation and Tides Center. The organization’s spring newsletter announces the addition of its most recent sponsor and donor, Victoria Pynchon who writes a Forbes Woman blog.

Like a lot of organizations that worship at the altar of abortion, NNAF would like to give the impression that it is “for” women. It’s not. It’s “for” abortion. Period.


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