'Justice for Trayvon': Black Mob Allegedly Beats White Man in Mobile, AL

'Justice for Trayvon': Black Mob Allegedly Beats White Man in Mobile, AL

WKRG reports today that Mobile, Alabama police are asking for help from the community after Matthews Owens, a white citizen, was beaten into critical condition, allegedly by a mob of black adults. 

Owens “fussed at some kids” playing basketball on Saturday night – they were playing in the road. The children reportedly left and “a group of adults returned, armed with everything but the kitchen sink.” They beat Owens with objects including pipes, paint cans, brass buckles, and chairs. Cpl. Chris Levy of the Mobile Police Department said there were “a ton of people there, but for some reason, not a lot of details were given to investigators that night. Somebody knows what happened.”

Owens’ sister, Ashley Parker, witnessed the events and recounted, “It was the scariest thing I have ever witnessed. They chased him and beat him on the front porch of his residence … The news won’t touch this story.” She said the group beating Owens was about 20 strong and entirely comprised of black adults. According to Parker, one of them stated, “Now that’s justice for Trayvon” as the group walked away from Owens’ bleeding body. Owens is in critical condition; according to Parker, he has “bleeding on his brain.”


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