Exclusive Video: Newt Responds to Obama's 'Flat Earth' Comment

Exclusive Video: Newt Responds to Obama's 'Flat Earth' Comment

Republican Presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich appeared at Otto Engineering in Carpentersville, Illinois this afternoon and had a few choice words for Barack Obama. Newt told the president that he can be the fantasy algae guy and he, Newt, will be the science candidate.

Newt Slams the President as a member of the “Flat Earth, Sierra Club Society.”

Earlier today at Prince George’s Community College in Largo, Maryland, President Obama claimed that anyone attacking his absurd reliance on wind power and algae to solve our massive energy problems is a  member of the “Flat Earth Society.”

Obama even went so far as to attack “one of my predecessors,” Rutherford B. Hayes, who Obama quotes as saying that telephones are great but “who would want to use them”? “This is why he isn’t on Mount Rushmore,” Obama quipped. But Hayes was hardly a Luddite in the White House. For instance, on May 10, 1877 Hayes was the first president to install a telephone in the White House, so who knows what Obama is rambling about?

For his part, Newt is ridiculing Obama’s failures on energy.

Phase one of the President’s defense against drilling was algae and that got ridiculed so much he’s now given up on algae for the moment. Phase two is, ‘American oil is bad but Saudi oil is good.’

Now this is wrong on a couple of counts. First, I don’t want the money going to Saudi Arabia. I want the money going to American companies creating American jobs in American territories.

Second, it further increases our dependence on the Saudis who are the largest funders of terrorist education and the largest funders of radical Islamist education in the world. I don’t want American presidents that bow to the Saudi King. I want American presidents who produce American oil, in the United States, make us energy independent, precisely so we don’t turn to the Saudis.

Newt had a few words directly for the president, too. A reporter asked what Newt had to say about Obama claiming that Newt ridiculed biofuels. Newt said he didn’t.

“I don’t ridicule biofuels,” he said. “I’ve supported ethanol, for example, which is a biofuel… I have friends at Texas A&M who are working on algae. The idea that algae is a solution this summer is a fantasy and he knows it’s a fantasy.”

“Obama represents the Flat Earth, Sierra Club Society,” Newt said.

Gingrich wanted someone to ask the president, “Why is Saudi drilling good and American drilling bad?”

“This is utter intellectual nonsense,” Newt taunted.

“If he wants to represent Saudi Oil and algae, I’ll be happy to represent American oil and American jobs and we’ll see this fall who the American people want to elect.”

Newt also admitted that they underestimated the effectiveness of Romney’s attack machine and that they got their strategy wrong.

(For video of Newt’s full comments, see here.)


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