Obama Ally Won't Release Alinsky Tape

Obama Ally Won't Release Alinsky Tape

Sources inform Breitbart.com today that Pam Dickler, director of the 1998 production of The Love Song of Saul Alinsky in Chicago that included a panel discussion featuring then-State Sen. Barack Obama, has a video tape of the play. 

And she won’t release it.

“There is only one archive tape of the play and I have it,” Dickler informed our source. “It is not in Chicago.”

Dickler told our source that she doesn’t believe she’s ever watched the tape, and she doesn’t know if it “can be viewed.” But she added: “No one is going to see the tape.” 

She said she felt “very protective over it … due to all of the interest from conservatives recently.” She also told our source that the poster for the play was never supposed to be distributed.

Dickler added that there were no transcripts of the panel discussion. 

“They didn’t know he was going to go on to become the president,” she said. “If they had known that, they would have of course kept any transcripts, but there were never any taken.”

Mainstream journalists have attempted to dismiss yesterday’s column by Andrew Breitbart about the play by claiming that Obama had merely attended the production–a defense hinted at by Chicago Reader columnist Michael Miner’s initial column

However–as even Miner noted–Obama did not merely attend the play; he was featured on the poster and in the panel discussion that followed.

So, if the play’s so harmless, why are Obama’s allies hiding it? 

Why not release the video tape?


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