Paul Nehlen Makes Final Appeal to Wisconsin Voters: ‘One Vote to Save America’

Paul Nehlen, a Republican primary challenger to House Speaker Paul Ryan, accuses Ryan of b
AP Photo/Scott Bauer

Darien, WI — Businessman and Republican candidate for Wisconsin’s first congressional district, Paul Nehlen, made his final appeal to voters ahead of his August 9th open primary election against House Speaker Paul Ryan.

In a six-minute video titled, “One Vote to Save America,” Nehlen tells Wisconsin voters that rarely in history are people given the “opportunity to affect such profound change as Wisconsin voters have in this open primary.”

Nehlen explained that on August 9th, Wisconsin voters can “declare [their] independence” from the global special interests that control Washington and control Paul Ryan.

All we have to do is cast one ballot on August 9th. With your one vote you can stop amnesty for good. With your one vote you can stop TPP. With your one vote you can end rule by corporations. You can end the corruption, the corporatism, the kickbacks. You can end the serfdom to special interests and become free and safe and secure.

“One vote to save the lives of innocent Americans. One vote to save Wisconsin. One vote to save America,” Nehlen declared. “Let August 9th be Wisconsin’s Independence Day.”

Nehlen begins by telling voters the story of a mother who puts her young daughter to bed. The little girl, Nehlen says, will dream about the bright future that awaits her — only to have those dreams “brought to a brutal and violent end because our politicians don’t have the decency, or courage, or desire to protect the lives of innocent Americans.”

“As this mother puts her child to sleep, she has no idea that her daughter will be the next Kate Steinle or Sarah Root,” Nehlen says. “Out there tonight, all across this country, is the next Jamiel Shaw Jr., the next Brandon Mendoza, the next Spencer Golvach — the next American child who won’t get to live out their American dream because Paul Ryan believes that his family deserves a border wall, but you don’t.”

For two decades, Paul Ryan has been Congress’ greatest advocate for the donor class’ open borders trade and immigration agenda.

Dating back to the mid-90s, Paul Ryan helped lead the charge to give illegal aliens in California benefits paid for by U.S. taxpayers. Ryan then fought against bipartisan legislation inspired by Civil Rights leader Barbara Jordan to curb immigration into the United States and protect American workers. In 2013, Ryan worked hand-in-hand with open borders advocate, Luis Gutierrez, to push Barack Obama’s amnesty agenda. In 2015, as House Speaker, Ryan used his position of power to fund sanctuary cities, to fund executive amnesty, to fund a controversial expansion to the admission of low-skilled foreign guest workers, and to fund an increase in Muslim immigration into the United States.

As NumbersUSA President Roy Beck has explained, “There’s nobody in the Republican Party who could be worse [on the issue of immigration] than Paul Ryan… Open borders is in his ideological DNA… He’s an ideologue… open borders seeps out of every pore of his being… Paul Ryan is the heart and soul of crony capitalism.”

While Paul Nehlen has spoken out in favor of immigration control and has advocated on behalf of the American victims of illegal alien crime, Paul Ryan has ignored these victims as he’s continued to push his open borders agenda.

When four American “angel moms” who had to bury their children as a result of illegal alien crime, attempted to approach Ryan and present him with a letter as well as photos of their deceased children, Paul Ryan and members of his security detail fled from the grieving mothers.

Nehlen has said, “Speaker Ryan only cares about the deaths of innocent Americans so long as their deaths comport with [his] donors’ desired narrative.”

At a press conference these four “angel moms” held in front of Ryan’s personal border wall, the mothers broke down in tears as they discussed how Ryan provides his children with protections that he has repeatedly denied the American people.

“Paul Ryan’s home behind me has a fence,” angel mom, Julie Golvach, said in tears. “He has security. He has everything to make sure that his three children are safe… I deserved the same thing… I deserved to have [my son] at the end of my life sitting next to me.”

In the letter they had tried to deliver to Ryan, the mothers write, “we could have been spared [from our loss] had Paul Ryan only cared as much about us as he cares about his donors.”

[He] has the blood of so many on his hands… Paul Ryan is personally responsible for the deaths, maimings, and sexual assaults of thousands of innocent Americans and lawful residents.

“Whereas Paul Ryan has fought valiantly on issues sought by corporate special interests (such as the TPP)… [he] has refused to make any similar public appeal on behalf of the American victims of illegal alien crime,” the mothers wrote.

The transcript of Nehlen’s closing appeal to Wisconsin voters can be read in full below:

Somewhere out there in America tonight, it may be in a place like Kenosha or Janesville, or a far away community — it could be a big city or a small town, a mother will be putting her little girl to bed. And that little girl will dream about all the things she’ll do when she grows up.

Maybe the little girl is Latino, maybe she’s African-American, maybe she is white, maybe she is Asian — it doesn’t matter. What matters is that she’s an American girl, and she can do anything she wants.

Maybe she’ll be a doctor, or a lawyer, or an accountant, or a police officer.

Maybe she’ll dream of having children of her own one day.

But that little girl won’t get to live those dreams because our politicians — led by House Speaker Paul Ryan — have failed in their most fundamental and sacred obligation: to provide safety for us by securing our border and enforcing our immigration laws.

And so that child will be the next victim, of the thousands of victims, of our open borders. Maybe she’ll be killed by an illegal immigrant in a car crash, or a home invasion, or a vicious violent assault — the kind that happens to men and women all across this country each year.

As this mother puts her child to sleep, she has no idea that her daughter will be the next Kate Steinle or Sarah Root.

Out there tonight, all across this country, is the next Jamiel Shaw Jr., the next Brandon Mendoza, the next Spencer Golvach — the next American child who won’t get to live out their American dream because Paul Ryan believes that his family deserves a border wall, but you don’t.

This is not hyperbole. This is not exaggeration. This is reality.

I have been honored and privileged and humbled to spend time with the mothers who have lost their beautiful American children to illegal immigrant violence enabled by sanctuary cities, which Paul Ryan has funded, and allowed in by open borders that Paul Ryan has left open — children killed by open borders, that have boosted profits for Paul Ryan’s donors and makes all of us less safe — a cause to which Paul Ryan has devoted his entire professional life.

Ryan smirks and looks down at us from his high station and has the audacity to complain that the mothers of children killed by illegals have dared to ask him for an audience

He has gone to the media and his payroll pundits and has condemned the mothers for doing so.

Has he thought for one moment about their loss or considered their suffering?

Aren’t they entitled to a meeting with him even though they don’t have billions of dollars or an army of lobbyists or well-known names?

Every day, all across this country, there is some American that wakes up believing that anything is possible for them in this great country of ours, only to have those dreams brought to a brutal and violent end because our politicians don’t have the decency, or courage, or desire to protect the lives of innocent Americans.

So understand this: With your one vote, you can save the life of the next Kate Steinle.

With your one vote, you can save the life of an American child from becoming the next statistic. You can save the next forgotten name, the next forgotten victim.

With your one vote, you can save that next American parent from having to live out the rest of their life in sorrow and grief. You can save the next person from becoming the next obituary — the next mother from having to demand that her politicians secure the border so the next American child doesn’t have to die too.

How many thousands of Americans have to lose their lives to fund the career of Paul Ryan?

Ask yourself this question — think hard and be honest: Has Paul Ryan ever cared as much about the lives of these Americans as he’s cared about furthering his political career?

Has he ever fought as hard for these Americans as he’s fought for his budget-busting omnibus, or as he’s fought for his disastrous trade deal, or corporate handouts?

Paul Ryan would rather cut benefits for U.S. veterans than cut benefits for illegal immigrants.

He doesn’t represent the people of Wisconsin, he represents Wall Street donors.

He is not merely a symptom of the corrupt and broken system, he is the corrupt and broken system.

And his appeal to you now in the name of loyalty or unity or togetherness comes from a man who has shown no loyalty to the American people; a man who has displayed no unity with our fallen brothers and sisters; a man who has demonstrated no desire to bring us together in shared prosperity.

Rarely before in history have a people been given such an opportunity to affect such profound change as Wisconsin voters have in this open primary.

All we have to do is cast one ballot on August 9th.

With your one vote you can stop amnesty for good.

With your one vote you can stop TPP.

With your one vote you can end rule by corporations.

You can end the corruption, the corporatism, the kickbacks.

You can end the serfdom to special interests and become free and safe and secure.

You have the chance to prove to the special interest globalists, the pundits, and the professional politicians that they don’t control your life, that they don’t control your vote, and that you’re not going to fall for their glossy lies and slick ads, but instead vote the truth and vote your conscience.

With your one vote you can give hope to those who will never have enough money to attend one of Ryan’s wealthy donor dinners, but who are Americans and are entailed to equal representation and protection under the law.

One vote to save the lives of innocent Americans.

One vote to save Wisconsin.

One vote to save America.

Next Tuesday, declare your independence.

Let August 9th be Wisconsin’s Independence Day.


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