Democratic Party Suffers Nervous Breakdown In Philly: The Inside Story

Win McNamee/Getty Images

PHILADELPHIA – The Democratic National Convention was almost literally a disaster area.

Bernie Sanders suspended all party rules on the floor of the convention to personally nominate Hillary Clinton by a voice vote. Left-wing protesters rampaged in the streets. Pro-Bernie delegates walked off the convention floor in protest. Agitators seized the mainstream media’s control center against an outnumbered police force. Speakers were booed. Green Party candidate Jill Stein crashed the event and emerged as the new Bernie Sanders in the general election. A man set himself on fire stomping on a burning American flag.

America now has a real two-party system: one party is the Populist Nationalists. The other party is the political class. The Democratic Party is the political class.

Breitbart News special correspondents rode into Philly as the Wikileaks DNC email revelations rocked the city and the world. The DNC rigged the primary fight for Hillary Clinton, actively colluding against Bernie Sanders. And Bernie just sat in his balcony underneath the Bloomberg Politics banner and smiled and took it.

Here’s what happened:


Clinton gave a mediocre speech obsessed with Donald Trump.

“He wants to divide us from the rest of the world,” she said, pushing globalism against Trump’s nationalism.

“We will not ban a religion,” she said. She loudly ranted at awkward times in her speech, like when she was reciting the job titles of teachers and doctors and police officers (etc. etc.) who can fix the country in addition to Trump, who said that “I alone can fix it.”

She kept getting thrown off by delegates chanting “Hillary! Hillary!” out of desperation because Bernie delegates kept interrupting her speech.


Bernie Sanders caved as soon as he got to Philly Monday morning, when he gave a speech calling on his supporters to vote for Hillary. That’s when many of his supporters abandoned him — much like how conservatives abandoned Ted Cruz in Cleveland for not endorsing Trump, but in reverse.

The Never Hillary movement protested throughout Philadelphia for days in 100-plus degree heat and disaster-level rainstorms. Bernie helped to shut down most of his delegates’ floor plots to disrupt and agitate the convention in a formal way. In exchange, the Democrat Establishment speakers sucked up to him one by one while he sat up in his balcony.

“What an obedient little revolutionary” Tucker Carlson remarked via text.

“We all should feel the Bern and we all should not want to get burned by the other guy,” said Tim Kaine, who almost got challenged for vice president by another candidate until the Democratic National Committee shut down that plot…by denying the necessary paperwork to the other candidate! Office Space politics are alive and well.

Floor Walk-Out

The walk-out by Bernie Sanders delegates immediately after the roll call vote was arguably the most significant act of defiance on the floor in recent convention history.

This reporter observed the carefully planned walkout from the grandstands a couple sections over from Bernie’s balcony, where he was busy getting feted for his silver medal. The commotion on the floor got started around the time Bernie’s brother Larry was toasting their late parents. My Breitbart News colleague Joel Pollak was on the packed convention floor texting me the protesters’ next location: the media center.

The protest at the media center was intense. Pro-Bernie agitators stormed through the glass doors while at least a hundred more crowded around inside. These were some of the top protest organizers on the Left at the top of their game (and negotiating with the police to avoid arrests).

The media center (which was just a big tent with no complimentary Wi-Fi) was completely shut down. How interesting that the top left-wing protesters in the country would choose the mainstream media’s encampment as the site of their surprise assault!

The mainstream media did not know how to handle this chaos aimed directly at them.

Jill Not Hill

Green Party candidate Jill Stein made a grand entrance at the big Bernie or Bust rally, waving to the crowd amid a line of cops and eager protesters who were literally sprinting to catch up to her.

Stein told Breitbart News that Bernie’s campaign “was not the most strategic way to make this movement succeed” and said “It’s a movement, not a man, and it will not be stopped.”

In a small room with reporters, Stein was impressive, talking at length about how Hillary Clinton and the foreign policy establishment helped to create ISIS and other terrorist groups around the world by knocking out sovereign dictators and allying closely with the oil-rich Saudis. Considering Breitbart News’ bombshell ongoing coverage of the Obama-Clinton administration’s secret support for the al Qaeda group that became ISIS, Stein could be a real asset for America in exposing these and other foreign policy shenanigans. She even mentioned the al Nusra Front, another Obama-supported radical group in the Syria-Iraq region.

“Jill Not Hill” became a slogan in Philadelphia.

Debbie Departs

The DNC leaks were not kind to Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

The leaks showed that Wasserman Schultz colluded to snuff out the Bernie campaign, and also that the DNC was going around calling its Hispanic voter efforts the “Taco Bowl Outreach.”

Booed off the stage at a breakfast meeting Monday with the Florida delegation, Wasserman Schultz saw her political career go down in flames. She was removed from her chairmanship of the DNC, given a surrogate role on the Hillary campaign, and sent packing.

Rumors swirled that Wasserman Schultz was negotiating for a free plane ride home to Florida on the convention’s dime. Donna Brazile was installed as the new interim chairwoman, even though she was also snared in the Wikileaks scandal because she told the Washington Post that she would “cuss out the Sanders camp!” about their platform concerns.

This means that Debbie – who set up the convention – was sidelined at just the moment when an organizer needed to step in and turn things around. Brazile was ill-suited to get the job done. The impact of this staff shakeup was massive. Wasserman Schultz ended up appearing, chastened, at Clinton’s speech Thursday night.

Donna Brazile, known mostly from cable television, is now the DNC quarterback until November!

Over in Russia, Edward Snowden criticized the Brazile pick then made a reference to “cucking,” a tradition partaken by weak men in the Republican Party who humiliate themselves while in competition with stronger, more feral men in the Republican Party.


Paul Simon

Aging Baby Boomer Paul Simon croaked out a flat rendition of “Bridge Over Troubled Water” for the amusement of upper middle-class Democrats in between speeches by politicians.

Bill de Blasio, Martin O’Malley, and Al Franken were spotted at various times at the arena’s snack bar.

Tim Kaine

When he finally took the stage, Kaine performed standup comedy with the bravado of a corporate vice president at a company retreat in Philadelphia. His Donald Trump impression was terrible. His embrace of Hillary onstage last night — touching her arm while her back was turned — was so awkward I’m surprised the Huffington Post isn’t crying white male privilege.

At 10:11 PM, he spoke Spanish for the first time in his speech. It was less than ten minutes in.

At 10:21 PM, he went into Spanish mode again, saying, “Si se puede, si se puede, yes we can yes we can yes we can.”

At 10:34 PM, he spoke Spanish for the third time, declaring, “Hillary Clinton is listo.”

Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton reminded America this week that he was a public-school law professor who never got 50 percent of the popular vote in a national election.

“Hi Bill” Hillary waved at him professionally from the stage before her speech. She spoke of “hard times that tested us” in their marriage, and said half-bitterly that during their 45-year alliance, “I’ve even gotten a few words in.”

Bill’s speech was weak.

There’s an idea in convention speechwriting that family members should be “character witnesses” for the candidate by recounting their own personal interactions with the politician who is running. Thus, Bill Clinton was relegated to the “Family” category to open up Oprah-style about his relationship with Hillary Clinton.

Bill and Hillary’s relationship, judging by this character testimonial, was intensely close in the 1970’s and 1980’s as a political partnership by two Yale Law globalists. The biggest strain on their marriage apparently happened when they lost their first re-election bid for governor in Arkansas in 1980. Bill vividly recounted how Hillary helped him to deal with the electoral loss and move forward to obtain a quickie prestige job and then win the next governor’s race in 1982. You know, like newlyweds.

Bill’s rambling personal anecdotes in Philly were not new or interesting. They were just rehashed Clinton mythologies, already trotted out in the couple’s various books and other campaign materials. The time Chelsea went off to college. The time they met in the law library. She kept saying no when he asked her to marry him. By 10:36 PM, he was only up to 1987 and his first of multiple random pot shots at Newt Gingrich.

Delegates were disappointed by Bill’s speech, because they had the idea that he is such a great orator. But really, he was never a very good orator. He was just a competent-enough lawyer to stretch things out until he got his way –  like Ted Cruz! Clinton’s 1988 convention speech was so long he literally got jeered off the stage. His State of the Unions went on forever. His constant press conferences in 1993 overexposed him more than any other new president and prompted his advisers to reign him and teach him a lesson about novelty.

Bill did not talk about Monica Lewinsky even though an election like this one — where the media game has shifted in reality star Donald Trump’s favor — would be the ideal time to do it.

Don Lemon

The Breitbart News delegation made it a red-eye ritual to watch Don Lemon’s panel, graciously helping out the Nielsen ratings for CNN.

CNN’s motto for their convention coverage was “Unmatched access.” They taped Don Lemon’s show at a place called “CNN Grill” next to the convention center. Panelist Bakari Sellers said that “Cory Booker literally believes in love.” Former Ted Cruz employee Amanda Carpenter, who was on the panel in Cleveland, was not brought back for Philly.


“The DNC literally gives out K’nex in their goodie bags. They treat their supporters like children,” said Breitbart reporter Jen Lawrence.


San Francisco-based ride-sharing company Uber colluded with security to monopolize all transportation to and from the Democratic National Convention. Security was actively turning away taxi drivers — and they were proud to announce that fact! Why?

“Uber has the concession,” said a police officer when I asked if there was a cab stand because I don’t wish to download the Uber app on my phone and stand in a succession of lines while Uber officials direct some stranger from Philly to designated map coordinates to pick me up and take me back downtown.

Uber has the concession, they said! Folks, the sharing economy will be mandatory!

The Disabled and other victims

All politics is a reality show now. But while Trump is a primetime reality star, the Democrats are stuck in daytime mode. Theirs is the kind of show that plays in waiting rooms at four in the afternoon. Like Maury.

“Donald Trump doesn’t see me, he doesn’t hear me, and he definitely doesn’t speak for me,” said a female disability rights advocate in a wheelchair who remarked, “I honestly feel badly for anyone with that much hate in their heart.”

Victims and survivors of various tragedies spoke for Clinton, including Sandy Hook, Michael Brown, Charleston, and Orlando. Donald Trump’s supposed mocking of a disabled reporter was played up. Video packages were cloying but effective.


Illegal aliens were prominently featured in Monday night’s lineup. Francisca, Carla, and Astrid all managed to get into the convention hall to speak, which was a reported violation of Section 8 U.S. Code 1324 on the part of the Democratic Party. The speakers all seemed to feel that they SHOULD be allowed to stay in the country, but they did not really make much of a case for WHY.

Don’t worry, Hillary said to the illegals. If you’re worrying about deportation, Hillary will now do the worrying for you.

Lena Dunham, Sarah Silverman, Eva Longoria

Actress Longoria called Hillary “the most qualified presidential candidate ever.”

Did you hear that, folks? The most qualified EVER!

Breitbart News was tempted to go with the headline: “Unqualified: Longoria Slams Harrison, Fillmore, Taylor, Polk.”


Cory Booker of New Jersey gave a popular rah-rah speech for Hillary that riled up the crowd but committed the cardinal sin of literature: using words that have no meaning.

Booker’s speech came from the diluted dictionary of daytime-TV friendly affirmational eduspeak. It was all pabulum. He sounded like a guidance counselor at a public high school in Beverly Hills.

Here are some words that Booker used: “empower,” “tolerance,” “interdependent,” “interdependence,” “interconnected,” and “rise together.”

These words were used throughout the convention by most of the speakers, but obviously the most overused word was “communities”… as in, “our communities.”

CNN progressive pundit Sally Kohn served as a DNC “speaking coach.” No wonder so many of the speeches sounded similar both to each other and to midday CNN static.

These speeches really underscored how the progressive movement is corporate at heart.

Convention host company AT&T ran a commercial on the screens shortly after Booker spoke, also using the word “empower.”

Empower, empower, empower.


Amanda House described the women’s bathroom situation in the arena as a disgrace that would not have been tolerated by Reince Priebus.

But at least the bathroom next to the media center was gender neutral!

Huffington Post editor Howard Fineman had a picture taken of himself going into the “All-Gender Restroom.”

Fineman tweeted: “My 1st all-gender bathroom. All stalls, half women. Men shamed into hand washing. Woman said all lines’ll be long.”

People at the Huffington Post are so crazy that when they say things like this, they’re not actually complaining. They’re indicating that it’s GOOD men should have to wait longer because it evens out perceived disparities in the American social structure.

The Rains

Torrential downpours haunted the entire convention. By the time Hillary Clinton signed off, this reporter had already received five different local Flash Flood Warnings directly on my cell phone.




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