***2016 LiveWire*** Trump: ‘I’ll Do More for African-Americans than Obama Has Ever Done’

Anti Trump Communist Flag
Chad Brown/Twitter

Welcome to Breitbart News’s live updates of the 2016 horse race.

All times eastern.

9:05 PM: Anti-Trump agitator waving Communist flag. Protester reportedly says he wanted to wave the ISIS flag but could not find a flag shop that sold it.

8:25 PM: Trump supporters leaving rally:

Protesters had been gathering outside:

8:05 PM: Trump supporter Regina Romero happy with Trump’s speech:

7:57 PM: Trump says these “poor people” who are fighting him in the “Never Trump” movement just can’t beat him. Crowd chanting “We need Trump.”


7:51 PM: Bikers passing out water and bandanas:

7:47 PM: Trump mocks the “Never Trump” people for anonymously telling the Politico “rag” that his campaign may be for sale.  He also mocks those who are trying to sabotage Trump at the convention. He then quips:

7:43 PM: Trump says he feels like a super model:

7:39 PM: Trump predicts he is going to do “so well” with Mexicans and Latinos. He says jobs is “like the great medicine that makes us better” and that is why he will do well with minorities in the general election. He also cites the terrible unemployment numbers for African-American youth as well.

7:36 PM: After talking up his wall, Trump quips that the Border Patrol Agents have it easy right now because they are told to just stand down and let illegal immigrants cross the border.

7:30 PM: Trump reminds audience that he agrees with Sanders on trade. He also reminds the audience that Bill Clinton signed NAFTA, the “most destructive economic act every signed by a President.”

7:27 PM: Trump: Orlando terror attack about “terrorism” not guns.

7:25 PM: Trump takes the stage in Phoenix and says “we’re going to win very, very big in November.” He says Arizona was really his “first big speech” and he won’t forget it. Trump vows to solve our problems like radical Islam by being “very vigilant” and “tough.”

7:23 PM: Trump supporters who have been attacked at his rallies having Trump’s back:

7:11 PM: Trump’s senior adviser Stephen Miller says Clinton can’t claim to be a friend of gays, lesbians, women, and minorities when she associates with regimes that oppress them. He also says Clinton can’t claim to be a friend of working Americans when she favors open borders that end up lowering wages for working Americans and making it tougher/more expensive for them to get services.

6:55 PM: Jan Brewer at Trump’s rally:

6:45 PM: Sheriff Joe eviscerates Obama/Clinton for not stopping the flow of drugs from Mexico.

6:15 PM: Trump supporter at Phoenix rally:

5:35 PM: Sheriff Joe arrives at Trump’s Phoenix rally:

5:25 PM:  Trump arrives in Phoenix:

4:33 PM: Audience member removed at Trump rally for wearing llgar shirt. Anti-Trump agitators, though, hardly police their own:

4:10 PM: Local media, unlike mainstream press, not ignoring Trump supporters who do not fit the preferred stereotype. An immigrant from India says he favors Trump’s immigration policies because immigrants should come legally like he did:

3:55 PM: Media also “over the moon” over Clinton’s second grandchild:


3:45 PM: Salad Bowl America: ‘Make America Mexico Again’


3:30 PM: Anti-Trump agitators in Vegas write “Klan Meeting This Way” on sidewalk.

3:25 PM: Trump says the wall will help curb the flow of drugs into the country. Always in need of reassurance for some reason, Trump asks the crowd, “Am I doing a good job?” Trump then says that the Paris terror attacks may have turned out differently if people were armed. “It would have been a whole different story.”


3:17 PM: Trump says he will do more for African-Americans than Barack Obama has ever done. He says Obama is nothing but talk.


3:15 PM: Anti-Trump agitators in Arizona:


3:07 PM: Trump says our foreign policy has given Iran Iraq. He blasts people for saying “bomb, bomb, bomb” (Though McCain was jesting about Iran, he infamously said we should “bomb, bomb, bomb.) for destabilizing the Middle East.

McCain not joining Trump on campaign trail in Arizona:

3:05 PM: Apple reportedly pulling out of GOP convention because of Trump. Trump has said he would make Apple build most of its products in America if elected president. Trump also called for a boycott of Apple.

3:03 PM: Trump slams CNN as the “Clinton News Network.”

3:00 PM: In Las Vegas, Trump says “we beat the Bushes” and asks who in the world the “Never Trump” schemers are going to pick to try to steal the nomination from him.


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