Trump: Hillary Clinton Doesn’t ‘Look Presidential,’ ‘Reading Poorly from the Teleprompter’

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Face Off AP Photos
AP Photos

As likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton delivered a foreign policy speech in San Diego, California on Thursday, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump live tweeted, criticizing the former Secretary of State for reading from a teleprompter, something Trump rarely does.

“Crooked Hillary Clinton, who I would love to call Lyin’ Hillary, is getting ready to totally misrepresent my foreign policy positions,” Trump tweeted roughly two hours ahead of Clinton’s speech.

Clinton did take aim at Trump throughout her speech.

“Donald Trump doesn’t know the first thing about Iran or its nuclear program,” Clinton said, adding Trump has a bizarre fascination with dictators.

She mentioned that blowing up a golf course deal isn’t how it works “in world affairs.”

Clinton also suggested the U.S. doesn’t need a leader who is constantly “blogging, mocking, [and] composing nasty tweets. I’m willing to bet he’s writing a few right now.”

She was right on that.

During Clinton’s speech, Trump tweeted at least two times.

“Crooked Hillary no longer has credibility – too much failure in office. People will not allow another four years of incompetence!” Trump posted, and then added, “Bad performance by Crooked Hillary Clinton! Reading poorly from the telepromter! She doesn’t even look presidential!”


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