Jailed Mafia Don’s Son: Hillary Clinton Told Me She Would ‘Do Something’ To Racketeering Law


Giovanni Gambino, the son of a notorious Mafia leader, tells Breitbart News that Hillary Clinton told him in a private meeting that she was going to help change the RICO laws in the United States.

Clinton faces an ongoing FBI investigation into her potential violations of the Espionage Act by her use of a private email server and potential public corruption relating to the Clinton Foundation. An anonymously sourced and later-deleted Huffington Post article recently claimed that the FBI will recommend indicting Clinton under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). Prosecutors often use to prosecute Mafia leaders and associates.

But Clinton has been open to changing the RICO law for almost a decade, Gambino said.

In 2007, Giovanni Gambino’s father, Francesco “Ciccio” Gambino, who had been sentenced to 30 years in prison back in the 1980’s, told him to seek out and meet with Clinton. He wanted the meeting because “he thought she’s got so much power, they [the Clintons] could maybe do something” to release him from jail, Gambino told Breitbart News.

Gambino has become a popular mass-market crime writer. His latest book, “The Vindicators,” is about the historical origins of the Mafia, and is coming out in July.

His father was reportedly a boss in the Gambino crime family, which was one of New York City’s famous “Five Families” that started going down after it become involved in the drug trade. Ciccio Gambino was once identified by law enforcement as the godfather of the Sicilian mafia in the United States.

The proud son knew that his father needed help, and he was determined to carry out the “mission” that his old man gave him.

Giovanni Gambino showed up to the Charleston Place hotel in South Carolina weeks after his father told him to get in touch with Clinton. The presidential candidate, joined by a female aide, met with Gambino while Secret Service guards stood outside the hotel. Gambino said “we spoke for a while” and called Clinton a “very good listener.”

“I told them about my father and how unfair the RICO law was to so many people,” Gambino recalled. “I told her I had a way of getting more votes for her. There are millions of inmates out there who have relatives. Those are organic votes. Instead of getting favors from the corporations and trying to get the employees of a corporation to vote for her, these are organic votes. They go out to vote for their loved ones.”

“She showed emotions. She showed some pulse that she was going to do something about it. I think she means well for people,” Gambino said, though he added that he’s skeptical of all politicians.

Gambino confirmed that Clinton expressed willingness to look into the issue of changing the RICO law.

“‘Of course,’ she told me,” Gambino said. “Once she settled down and once she accomplished what she wants to do she would do something about it.”

“And she was going to do something about over-populated prisons because there are a lot of non-violent offenders. She said she was going to do something about it.”

“She promised me that she was going to look into it, and she told me she knew the over-populated prisons were a big problem,” he said. “She knew it was a big problem.”

Clinton, of course, lost the 2008 primary to Barack Obama, and Gambino’s father died before any changes to the RICO law could have sprung him from the joint.

But President Obama and his appointees are now releasing tens of thousands of criminals from jail, and are pushing a bill in Congress that would release many thousands more, amid rising public concern about the rising crime rate.

Gambino said that he is somewhat sympathetic to Clinton’s current presidential campaign but ultimately “she has a connection with the government … That’s the biggest organized crime operation out there.”

“They [the Clintons] got to stay away from the corporations,” he said. “As long as the big corporations are funding her it’s going to be trouble. She has to help the middle class and the lower class.”

Gambino also is sympathetic to fellow New Yorker Donald Trump.

“I think Donald Trump will be great for the military,” Gambino said. “He will be a great leader in that aspect. A lot of leaders around the world respect him because they know he’s a great businessman and he’s got a great personality.”



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