Eric Trump: Obama’s Iran Deal Drove My Father to Run for President


The U.S.-led nuclear agreement with Iran last year was a deciding factor that compelled Donald Trump to jump into the race for president, the billionaire’s son, Eric Trump, said in a radio interview on Sunday.

“I think, honestly, the Iran nuclear deal was one of the things that made him jump into the race,” Trump told New York’s AM 970 The Answer radio. “I think that was a game changer for him.”

“That is when he finally said, ‘Kids, I am going to it. I am going to give this a real shot,’” Trump continued.

Donald Trump has been a vocal opponent of the Iran nuclear deal. At a February speech before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Trump strongly criticized against the agreement and stated that his “number one priority” if he takes office will be to nix “the disastrous deal with Iran.”

The interview with Eric Trump comes as the Obama administration has been facing mounting criticism over reports the deal was sold deceptively to the American public.

The controversy was sparked by an extensive New York Times Magazine profile of Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes titled, “The Aspiring Novelist Who Became Obama’s Foreign-Policy Guru.” The article contains interviews with Rhodes and scores of top Obama administration officials.

The newspaper charged the Obama administration utilized a narrative that was “often misleading or false” to sell the Iran nuclear deal to the public.

Robert Malley, senior director at the National Security Council, explained the genesis and execution of the marketing plan to sell the Iran deal.

Malley said “experts” were utilized to create an “echo chamber” that disseminated administration claims about Iran to “hundreds of often-clueless reporters” in the news media.

Rhodes told Times reporter David Samuels that the marketing strategy took advantage of the “absence of rational discourse” and utilized outside groups, including the Ploughshares Fund.

Ploughshares, in turn, reportedly helped to craft talking points for a network of advocates, experts, and messaging specialists on how to frame Iran’s nuclear program while attacking opponents of dialogue with Tehran.

In a recent article, the Associated Press revealed Ploughshares has funded National Public Radio since 2005.

Think tanks funded by the Ploughshares Fund include the Arms Control Association, Brookings Institution, and the Atlantic Council, the AP reported.

Unmentioned by the AP is that the Ploughshares Fund is financed by billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Institute.

Aaron Klein is Breitbart’s Jerusalem bureau chief and senior investigative reporter. He is a New York Times bestselling author and hosts the popular weekend talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.” Follow him on Twitter @AaronKleinShow. Follow him on Facebook.


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