Mitch McConnell: Four Years of Hillary Clinton ‘Enough to Unify Republicans’


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell believes presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump will do better in the general election in November against Democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton than political pundits have predicted.

“It looks to me like at the beginning of the race, Florida and Pennsylvania and Ohio look pretty competitive,” McConnell told reporters on Tuesday.

“McConnell said he is looking forward to meeting with Trump Thursday morning at the National Senatorial Campaign Committee, near the Capitol,” The Hill reports.

“I think most of my members believe he’s won the nomination the old fashioned way, he got more votes than anybody else and we respect the voices of the Republican primary voters across the country and we’ll sit down and talk about the way forward,” McConnell stated. “We know the alternative is four more years like the last eight. I don’t think the American people are thrilled.”

“We know Hillary Clinton will be four more years of Barack Obama. I think that’s going to, in the end, be enough to unify Republicans across the country,” McConnell added.


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