NY Post: Donald Trump Will Troll His Way to Victory

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From Michael Walsh at the New York Post:

In Internet parlance, a troll is a malevolent mischief-maker, a commenter who says something politically incorrect, then sits back and enjoys the resulting furor — sometimes even fanning the flames under multiple contradictory identities.

In politics, the master troll is Donald Trump.

During the recent GOP nominating process, he gave the media the vapors by criticizing John McCain’s war record, and promising to ban all Muslims from the US and build a giant fence across the Mexican border. Each time, bien-pensant society (largely consisting of leftist politicians and fellow-traveling journalists) assured their increasingly nervous followers that this time the troll had gone too far, that Trump was finished.

Instead, he only got stronger. Why? The public was tired of politics as usual, sick of polite society. In the Internet age, they loved the troll.

Read the rest of the story here.

Listen to Michael Walsh’s interview about this article on Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM:


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