Fred ‘The Hammer’ Williamson Endorses Donald Trump

Donald Trump Fist AP

Fred “The Hammer” Williamson endorsed GOP frontrunner Donald Trump at his campaign rally in Carmel, Indiana at The Center for the Performing Arts on Monday afternoon.

“I’m here to support Donald Trump,” Williamson, who is from Gary, Indiana, told the audience. Williamson played in the NFL for the Pittsburgh Steelers and was nicknamed “The Hammer” for his hard hits.

“He’s not a politician. He’s one of us,” he added.

“I love people that hit hard,” Trump said when he took the stage, referencing Williamson.

Trump praised Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, although Pence endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

“He said nicer things about me than he said about Cruz,” Trump said of Pence. “I like Mike Pence.”

“He was under a lot of pressure from his supporters and from people that put up money,” Trump said, attempting to explain why Pence endorsed Cruz and not him.

Trump also mocked Hillary Clinton for using a teleprompter for her primary victory speech.

“I would say that she started screaming at the teleprompter, but I’m not allowed to say that. You know, why? Now, if she was a man, I could say it,” Trump said, suggesting he would be called sexist for saying she was screaming.

“She was screaming at the teleprompter, but I will not say it,” he added.

The billionaire also criticized Cruz for not helping Carly Fiorina, Cruz’s vice presidential candidate, when she fell off the stage at a campaign event.

“Carly is perfectly nice. By the way, she fell off the stage the other day, did anybody see that?” Trump said to the crowd. “And Cruz didn’t do anything! Even I would have helped her, ok?”

Trump said it was “the weirdest thing.”

“They showed it to me coming in. I said, ‘Wow, that’s really cruel.’ She fell off. She just went down,” Trump described. “She went down right in front of him and he was talking, he kept talking!”

“If we win Indiana, it’s over,” he added about the Indiana primary on Tuesday. “They’re finished. They’re gone”

“And if we don’t, we’ll win it next week or the week after or the week after. It’s fine you know, because it’s fine, they have no path, where as I have a very easy path,” Trump said, adding he will win the GOP nomination on the first ballot at the Republican National Convention in July.


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